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Hi, I'm Hien Ta

I specialize in Android technology, writing about its latest developments and tech trends

With extensive expertise in Android technology, I explore and write about the forefront of tech innovations and trends. My focus lies in uncovering the latest advancements in Android, providing in-depth analysis and insights. My articles serve as a bridge for enthusiasts and professionals alike, navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape and highlighting how these technological strides impact both the industry and our daily lives.

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Unveiling the Essentials of MLOps: A Gateway to Enhanced Machine Learning Workflows

In the evolving landscape of technology, Machine Learning Operations, or MLOps, stands as a pivotal innovation, merging the realms of Machine Learning (ML) and DevOps ...
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Integrating Firebase App Distribution with Azure DevOps for Android App Testing

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes are crucial for the modern development workflow, enabling teams to automate testing and deployment of their applications. For ...
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Set up CI/CD for Android Apps and Deploy on Firebase with GitHub Actions.

Dans ce guide, nous allons découvrir comment construire une application Android et la déployer pour des tests en utilisant la distribution d’applications Firebase via GitHub ...
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Blog Posts

The potential impact of blockchain on the future of digital identity and privacy

The potential impact of blockchain technology on the future of digital identity and privacy is profound, promising to revolutionize how personal data is stored, shared, ...
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An overview of popular blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, XRP, SOL and ADA

Blockchain technology has given rise to a plethora of platforms, each designed with specific features, advantages, and use cases in mind. Among these, Ethereum, Bitcoin, ...
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The basics of blockchain technology and how it works

Blockchain technology, a foundational innovation behind the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers ...
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